Ocasio Grew Up


Certain corners of the right are obsessed with the idea that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez must be faking her working-class roots. After exposing the house she grew up in and the coat on her back. An opportunity to share your memories of growing up in Yorktown and Yorktown Heights.be it stores, people, food, school, or parties. Please no ads.that was not the intention of this. Congresswoman elect Democrat-Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez grew up and attended school in affluent Westchester, New York but likes to pretend like she grew up in the Bronx. This past weekend Ocasio-Cortez tweeted out a photo of her congressional office on Capitol Hill. She made the mistake of adding that she’s just your average girl from the.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the self-described socialist from the Bronx, quietly altered her campaign biography page after it was revealed where she really grew up.

As noted by Journal News, the 28-year-old’s bio originally stated that she grew up in the Bronx, New York. It has now been revealed that she actually grew up in the ritzy suburb of Yorktown Heights in Westchester County, one of the wealthiest counties in the U.S.

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Here’s what Ocasio-Cortez’s original campaign biography stated:

“She ended up attending public school 40 minutes north in Yorktown, and much of her life was defined by the 40-minute commute between school and her family in the Bronx.”

That sentence, which was crafted to pander to the constituents who live in her district, is very misleading. The Journal notes that the Democrat Socialist actually moved away from NYC when she was 5-years-old to the fancy suburb. She did not move back to the Bronx until 2016.

Her website bio has since been updated after the truth was revealed, but it still doesn’t explicitly state that Ocasio-Cortez’s move to Westchester County was permanent.

“She ended up attending public school in Yorktown — 40 minutes north of her birthplace. As a result, much of her early life was spent in transit between her tight-knit extended family in the Bronx and her daily student life.”

The 28-year-old socialist has been on just about every liberal cable news program and show since she defeated 10-term New York Democrat Rep. Joe Crowley last week. Crowley was the No. 4 Democrat in line to replace House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, but now a Socialist is quickly becoming the face — and future — of the Democratic Party.

She didn’t want voters to know that she came from an affluent family and lived in a home that reportedly sold for $355,000 in 2016. Running as Socialist, she is calling for ICE to be abolished, President Donald Trump to be impeached, the minimum wage to be raised to $15/hr nationally, and government-sponsored “free” medicare and college tuition for everyone.

As her radical ideologies and ideas are being heralded by the Left, she continues to tell bold-faced lies because liberals are using her as their latest pawn against the president. She got busted for lying about her upbringing so she could pander to people in her new district, and the media could not care less.


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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the Democratic Party’s rising socialist star, describes herself as “a girl from the Bronx” to project a working-class image. However, this claim is only half true – to borrow a phrase from the left-wing website PolitiFact.

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Grew Up Wealthy


“Well, you know, the president is from Queens, and with all due respect — half of my district is from Queens — I don’t think he knows how to deal with a girl from the Bronx,” Ocasio-Cortez said this week on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert.

She similarly told the Washington Post: “I wasn’t born to a wealthy or powerful family — mother from Puerto Rico, dad from the South Bronx. I was born in a place where your Zip code determines your destiny.”

Ocasio Cortez Grew Up

The congressional candidate, who pulled off an upset win against high-ranking establishment Rep. Joe Crowley (D-NY), was indeed born in New York City’s Bronx borough. She currently lives there, too.


Ocasio Cortez Grew Up Rich

So what’s the issue? Ocasio-Cortez omits that for most of her formative years, she was actually raised in one of the United States’ wealthiest counties.

Around the age of five, Alexandria’s architect father Sergio Ocasio moved the family from the “planned community” of Parkchester in the Bronx to a home in Yorktown Heights, a wealthy suburb in Westchester County. The New York Timesdescribes her childhood home as “a modest two-bedroom house on a quiet street.” In a 1999 profile of the area, when Ocasio-Cortez would have been ten years old, the Times lauded Yorktown Heights’ “diversity of housing in a scenic setting” – complete with two golf courses.

The paper quoted Linda Cooper, the town supervisor, describing Yorktown as ”a folksy area where people can come, kick off their shoes, wander around, sit in a cafe, listen to a concert in the park, or go to the theater.”

Ocasio grew up

In a fun coincidence, Yorktown, which contains Yorktown Heights, is also home to a 436-acre state park named after – yes, one Donald J. Trump.

After high school, Ocasio-Cortez studied international relations and economics at Boston University and worked for Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA). Only after college did Ocasio-Cortez return to the Parkchester complex, where she launched Brook Avenue Press, a publishing group aimed at improving the public image of the Bronx.

Westchester County – which the Washington Post, in a glowing profile on Ocasio-Cortez, describes as only “middle class” – ranks #8 in the nation for the counties with the “highest average incomes among the wealthiest one percent of residents.” According to the Economic Policy Institute, the county’s average annual income of the top one percent is a staggering $4,326,049.

Yorktown Heights, specifically, offers a sharp contrast from Bronx living. According to USA.com, the town’s population is 81 percent white, and median household income is $96,413 – nearly double the average for both New York state and the nation, according to data from 2010-2014.

Ocasio Grew Up

The 28-year-old’s far-left platform includes abolishing ICE, universal guaranteed employment, and Medicare for all. In an interview with CNN, Ocasio-Cortez said she supports impeaching President Trump, despite warnings from Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to avoid the issue.